
婚礼小礼品WJ002心形红酒开瓶器 欧美婚庆用品 个性创意轰趴用品婚礼小礼品WJ002心形红酒开瓶器 欧美婚庆用品 个性创意轰趴用品Tuxedo Heart Corkscrew in Gift Box with Sheer Organza Ribbon and Tag

Your Unique Wedding Favors


倍乐婚品 This cleverly designed chrome "bow-tie" heart corkscrew is a useful gift that guests will appreciate for years to come. The tuxedo heart corkscrew measures 5" long and is presented in an elegant matte black box that measures 6" x 2 ¼" with velvet lining and a clear top. A classy sheer organza bow is tied around each box. As a finishing touch, each corkscrew opener in gift box comes with a thank you tag.
品名 心型红酒开瓶器
货号 BETER-WJ002
尺寸 6 x 14 x 2.5 cm/box
产地 上海
起订量 ----  


如图包装,扎白色丝带 系吊卡入OPP袋, PS: 锌合金, 非仿间劣质 买回就生锈/电镀不均差品

婚禮小物 婚慶用品 愛情鳥調味罐TC007歐美個性創意 主題新娘回禮


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