
Your Unique Wedding Favors


倍乐婚品 Live, love, laugh--it's good advice, especially for a wedding! Looking forward to a long life of love and laughter ahead, share those sentiments with your guests with this elegant wedding favor box that puts your love front and center. Popping into place by simply folding the sleek wedge-shaped box, your "love" stands at the pinnacle of the box, which is accented by an oversized white satin bow and the words "Live, Love, Laugh" at the bottom. Features and facts:Silver wedge-shaped box with white die-cut "Love" that pops up when folded is accented with a white satin ribbon bow and the words "Live, Love, Laugh" ;Measures 2 1/2" x 2" x 4 3/4";Includes favor box and ribbon
品名 镭射LOVE镂空喜糖盒
货号 BETER-TH020
尺寸 6.5 x 5 x 12 cm
产地 上海
起订量 12pcs  


 高级300g 铜版纸, 平板发货

12pcs TH020 Silver Forever Love Wedding Favor Box婚礼布景12pcs TH020 Silver Forever Love Wedding Favor Box婚礼布景白色缎带 高端婚礼 婚宴用品TH020主题婚礼喜糖盒银色浪漫


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