创意欧式喜糖盒,时尚婚礼布置餐桌布景BeterWedding Gifts Ideas

Your Unique Wedding Favors


倍乐婚品 A stunning presentation of a classic favor. Create a garden of long-stemmed "roses" on your guest tables with these tall, fragrant rose soaps. They're so pretty and realistic ?your guests won't believe it when they read the designer vellum ribbon: "Long Stem Rose Soap Petals" (Later they can play a game of "he loves me, he loves me not" and dissolve the plucked petals into a warm, rose-scented bath.)
品名 长柄玫瑰花香皂
货号 BETER-XZ001
尺寸 4.7 x 4.7 x 26.5 cm
产地 上海
起订量 ----  


如图包装, 单个产品入圆桶型透明盒子, 系白色丝带 ,PS: 天然皂基添加自然香精, 清新自然不刺鼻

Long-Stemmed Rose Soap in Showcase Gift Box


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