愛之書 書本蠟燭BETER-LZ015 Book of Love Candle Set

Your Unique Wedding Favors



倍樂婚品 Each candle burns with a lovely rose scent and the pearlized book box is sturdy and reusable. Perfect for catching earrings, change, whatever your guests like! Measures approx 3"x3.5" and stands over 1" tall
品名 愛之書 書本蠟燭
貨號 BETER-LZ015
尺寸 7.5 x 10 x 3.5 cm
產地 上海
起訂量 ----  


產品包裝如圖, L-O-V-E 四個蠟燭裝入同系列書本禮盒;入OPP袋子(4套一組, 請以4的倍數下拍)


Your Unique Wedding Favor Ideas

小清新的婚禮小物批發, 喜糖盒, 婚禮席位卡, 家居蠟燭   Shanghai Wedding Gifts Facebook  
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Shanghai Beter Gifts Co., Ltd.  


地址: 上海市松江區石湖蕩鎮古松路八號, 郵編: 201604
Address: No.8 Gu Song Road, Shi Hu Dang Town, Songjiang, Shanghai.China Zip code: 201604
TEL: +86-21-57750096

Google Map: https://maps.google.com/maps?q=beterwedding  


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  Contact Info:
TEL: +86-21-57750096
FAX: +86-21-57752481
Email: 1250740722@qq.com
Email: 2234836398@qq.com
http://www.BeterWedding.com ; http://Shanghai-Beter.taobao.com  
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