创意欧式喜糖盒,时尚婚礼布置餐桌布景BeterWedding Gifts Ideas

Your Unique Wedding Favors


倍乐婚品 A sweet and lovely sign of spring masterfully painted on a simple, square, white candle brings elegance and promise to any event. The “Cherry Blossom” Candle, beautifully adorned with the Asian symbol of love, affection and good fortune, invites your guests to dream of faraway places while basking in the warmth of where they are: Features and facts
品名 浪漫樱花蜡烛
货号 BETER-LZ007/A
尺寸 5 x 3.5 x 5.5 cm
产地 上海
起订量 ----  


然樱花香气, 不刺鼻, 如图包装,棕色缎带+吊卡,入OPP袋

LZ006 Wedding Cake Candle in Gift Box with RibbonLZ006 Wedding Cake Candle in Gift Box with RibbonLZ006 Wedding Cake Candle in Gift Box with RibbonLZ006 Wedding Cake Candle in Gift Box with Ribbon


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