
Your Unique Wedding Favors


倍乐婚品 Who wouldn't love to have a nest egg? It makes life--and your baby shower--so much sweeter! We're talking about "The Nest Egg" Scented Soap baby shower favor, of course! Your guests will be tweeting about their adorable thank-you gift as soon as they see it!

Features and facts:Pleasantly scented soap is pink or blue with tiny, brown speckles;.Cello-wrapped egg sits in a lifelike bird's nest resting on natural, shredded raffia;.Egg measures 1 3/4" h x 1 1/4" in diameter;.Nest measures 1" h x 2 3/4" in diameter.Enchanting gift box has clear top and decorated pastel-pink or light-blue base with Toile print of baby carriages, birds, nests with eggs, trees with tiny nests and happy homes;.Gift box measures 3" x 3" x 1 1/2"

品名 小小鸟蛋香皂
货号 BETER-XZ010
尺寸 6.5 x 6.5 x 3.5cm
产地 上海
起订量 ----  


如图包装 白色缎带,吊卡 PS: 天然皂基添加自然香精, 清新自然不刺鼻

BeterGifts Inspiration XZ010 Nest Egg Soap Party SouvenirsBeterGifts Inspiration XZ010 Nest Egg Soap Party SouvenirsBeterGifts Inspiration XZ010 Nest Egg Soap Party SouvenirsBeterGifts Inspiration XZ010 Nest Egg Soap Party Souvenirs


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